Meet Dr. Jamie Edgin

I am a Professor of Psychology and Department Chair at Virginia Tech. I am a first-generation student from Northern Appalachia, and I have lived in Colorado, Arizona, and New Zealand. I fell in love with Psychology during my Intro to Psychology course at Carnegie Mellon, not able to stop thinking about the mysteries of human cognitive processing and the brain's role. I have studied these topics as a Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientist, examining measures of sleep, brain function, and neuropsychological outcomes. My work has been continuously funded by the NIH for over 10 years, and I received support from foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. In my spare time, I can be found on the Cascades waterfall trail or sailing with my husband on a nearby lake.
I came to Virginia Tech to lead and Chair our department-- one of the leading community-based Psychology programs in the nation.
My research sits at the intersection of basic memory science, policy, and treatment in children with disabilities, and particularly memory impairment. My NIH funded work resulted in a validated iPad neuropsychological test battery, now available for download, and I have engaged in several other studies to best understand how to test memory formation and recall in infants and nonverbal children who may be less able to respond on standardized assessments (i.e., ERP, eye tracking methods). I have used these assessments in clinical research trials, including a recent collaborative research study of pharmacological treatment for sleep deficits in Down syndrome. I have experience in consultation for pharmacological trials, educational interventions, and public policy. I love what I do, employing the science of Psychology to make a direct impact on people's lives.
Memory forms the basis for our day to day life as we advance through development. We rely on the past to structure our future, and memory allows for healthy adaptive function across settings. For those with memory impairment (from sleep deficits or otherwise), the world is a more daunting place in so many ways-- if we can support this area of cognition, we will help a number of individuals across ages and population groups.
Interacting with the wonderful individuals I see every day at Virginia Tech (and the Hokie bird!) is the best part. To be allowed the responsibility to manage a Department as wonderful as VT Psychology is a great gift.
Don't wish away the present. Many always say, "I will be happy when X, Y, and Z" are over. Why wait until then?
Interestingly, I read an essay I wrote when I was 8 years old which said I wanted to be a scientist even then!
Hiking and walking my dogs is my favorite activity, although I value the importance of down-time in general and like to try new activities. Academics is a marathon, not a sprint.
to Tucson, where I lived 16 years until recently and have family. This answer used to be India or Japan, now it's Tucson
I am quite playful-- I like haunted houses, Skee-ball, and escape rooms. I am excited to go ice skating at Mountain Lake this winter. Bring on the snow!